Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 4 - August 5th

We just finished dinner and are in lancaster Ontario..about 55 miles from wifi..good night.

From the trip report - Kim

We woke up at Chrysler park marina to a breakfast of bacon and croissants. The marina van took us to Upper Canadas Village. We toured around the town set in the early 1900's. One guy told us the only reason kids went to school was to "break them" so they would be good factory workers. We saw how they cut logs and ground wheat into flour using the water from the river. We saw cheese and bread making, a school house where kids at a camp were dressed up like pioneers signing God save the Queen and an old print shop where each letter was set by hand. We took horse wagon ride then bought awesome fresh baked bread and cheese from the village which we ate for lunch.

Back at the marina Kenn & Corey filled up with diesel and Aaron, Katie, Bryce & Kim went for a swim where Kim failed miserably at flipping Bryce and now owes him a Skor bar ( but they only had Rolo)

We headed out again in the boat and went through two HUGE locks, Eisenhour and Snell. The boat dropped over 35 feet in each one really fast. The locks took a long time so we decided to stay in Creg Quay Marina. We bbq'd chicken and bought ice cream treats for dessert. We went for a swim - but Kim was too tired to even try to flip Bryce, but was able to flip Katie, Corey ( with everyone helping) and Aaron. She'll have to build up energy for Bryce and figure out how to bribe his protector Aaron.

We played 99 (Kim won in an "all in" round even thigh she was the 1st one out) then we went to bed ignoring the 1 000 000 bugs!

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